About the Great Lakes Amorical (GLAM) Tournament Series
The GLAM tournament series runs from January 1st to December 31st and aims to promote travel and greater participation in Blood Bowl events in the Great Lakes area. It is sanctioned and sponsored by the NAF and includes Canadian and US-American tournaments in the states of Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana and the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Current tournament series organizer is Sean Huberman (NAF name seanh1986).
Simplified Rules for Participants
Coaches receive points for placements and the number of attended tournaments. Two-days tournaments give additional points, as well as tournaments with larger number of coaches. To be eligible, coaches must be NAF members. Scores are tracked by the series organizer, and the coaches receive honors and awards based on their performance.
Rules for Tournament Organizers
This is an open series and tournaments in the Great Lakes area can be added, if they are NAF-approved and registered with the series organizer before kick-off. Tournament results should be provided within two weeks after conclusion. Tournament submissions can be in one of two forms.
  • Score .bbd file (this is the preferred method)
  • An electronic list (excel ideally) with the following information:
    • Ranking, NAF ID, Race,
    • Coach Record (W/T/L),
    • TDs (For/Against),
    • Casualties (For/Against).

Note that any non-classic Stunty teams should be explicitly mentioned to the tournament organizer (e.g., Lizardmen without Saurus and Underworld without Skaven).
Scoring Details
Coaches are only eligible for points if they are NAF members prior to taking part in the tournament. There will be three main rankings which will be tracked: Main Rankings, Stunty Rankings, Achievement Rankings.
Main Scoring Details
Each coach’s score will be determined as the maximum point total from their best 5 tournaments plus their Organizer bonus points (maximum of 2 bonus points for the year). Participants will receive the following points for each tournament they attend.
Points (Top 10)
Coaches earn points based on where they finish (10 to 1 points for top 10 placements).
  • 10 pts - First place
  • 9 pts - Second place
  • ...
  • 1 pt - Tenth place
  • Should there be fewer than 10 coaches, the maximum score equals the total number of participants, and the following places decline as usual.
Bonus points (Number of attendees)
Bonus points are given per every 10 attendees, as outlined below.   • 0-10 attendees: no bonuses
  • 11-20 attendees: [1-10] = +1
  • 21-30 attendees: [1-10] = +2, [11-20] = +1
  • 31-40 attendees: [1-10] = +3, [11-20] = +2, [21-30] = +1
  • 41-50 attendees: [1-10] = +4, [11-20] = +3, [21-30] = +2, [31-40] = +1
  • Etc...
Bonus points (Number of games)
Bonus points are given based on the number of games in the tournament. This is independent of standing and given to all participants.
  • 1-4 games: +1 bonus point
  • 5+ games: +2 bonus points
Bonus points (Premiere Events)
Every year, five Premier events will be designated using the following criteria.
  • The event must be a two-day event (5+ games)
  • The event must have previously hosted +30 participants within the last 3 years
  • Each of the five events should be geographically apart, representing different regions
  • The five events will also attempt to be spread-out chronologically throughout the year
  • The Premier events will try to alternate from year-to-year (some may remain year-to-year)
  • All participants receive a bonus +3 points
  • Organizers are welcome to contact the tournament series organizer around November to request consideration for Premier status for their tournament for the following season
Bonus points (Organizer)
GLAM relies on the efforts and dedication of tournament organizers to succeed. To reflect this, organizers will be given bonus GLAM points in addition to their top 5. Tournaments with 5+ games count as double the number of attendees.

Organizers are eligible for up to 2 bonus GLAM points, outlined as follows:
  • 0-9 total tournament attendees: +0 bonus point
  • 10-29 total tournament attendees: +1 bonus point
  • 30+ total tournament attendees: +2 bonus points

Note that tournament attendees are additive between tournaments and can double count participants. For example, if an organizer runs 2 tournaments with 9 coaches, this is considered equivalent to hosting a single event with 18 coaches (even if the 9 coaches are the same). Hence, in order to earn the full 2 points, an organizer either needs to host one very large tournament or possibly several smaller ones.
Tiebreakers will be enforced in the following order:
  • Total points earned in all tournaments
  • Number of tournaments won
  • Number of races played
  • Number of stunty races played
  • Coin Toss
Stunty Scoring Details
There will be an additional, separate scoring for stunty teams, which includes Goblin, Halfling¬ and Ogre teams, as well as Lizardmen without Saurus and Underworld without Skaven.

The Stunty rankings will consider each coach’s score determined as the maximum point total from their best 5 tournaments.

Note: organizer bonus points are not eligible for Stunty Rankings.
Achievement Scoring Details
The achievement scoring is separate from the main scoring. All participants also earn points by unlocking various GLAM TS achievements.

Note: Achievement points do not count towards the Main or Stunty rankings.

- Attend 3 tournaments (1 point)
- Attend 6 tournaments (1 point)
- Attend 9 tournaments (1 point)
- Participate in a tournament with +30 attendees (1 point)
- 0-9 total tournament attendees (1 points)
- 10-29 total tournament attendees (1 point)
- 30+ total tournament attendees (1 point)
Racial Diversity
- Play with at least 3 different races (1 point)
- Play with at least 6 different races (1 point)
- Play with at least 9 different races (1 point)
- Play with Stunty at least 3 times (1 point)
- Play with at least 3 different Stunty races (1 point)
- Win a Best Painted award (1 point)
- Win a Best Sport award (1 point)
- Win a Most Touchdowns award (1 point)
- Win a Most Casualties award (1 point)
- Win a Stunty Cup award (1 point)
- Win a Wooden Spoon award (1 point)
- Play in tournaments in 4 different cities (1 point)
- Play in tournaments in 2 different countries (1 point)
Variants (e.g., BB7s, Deathbowl, Dungeonbowl, Streebowl)
- Play at least 1 BB variant (1 point)
- Play at least 2 different BB variants (1 point)
The NAF will be providing prizes for the individuals that place 1st – 3rd in the main rankings and the top stunty. Additional prizes can be earned as follows.
  • Individuals who attend a minimum of 5 tournaments will receive a set of GLAM TS D6s (*one time offer)
GLAM Trophy Prizes (3D Printed in Resin. Approx. 2” tall)
  • Champion
  • Runner-Up
  • Third Place
  • Stunty Champ
  • Top Achiever
  • Top Ontario
  • Top Quebec
  • Top Ohio
  • Top Michigan
  • Top Illinois
  • Top Indiana Note that the winners of the top per region will be among those which are not eligible for Champion, runner-up, and third place.
Custom GLAM TS D6s (*Subject to availability)
  • Custom GLAM TS D6s may be provided
  • Coaches will not be eligible for multiple custom GLAM TS D6s
Click to Download Rules as PDF file